Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Your own picture

Hey guys,

Thanks again for all the suggestions for the montage song. I'm still looking for more ideas, but here're a few things you should check before suggesting a song: first, check if the song has a suitable moderately fast 'pulse' that makes photos easy to follow but not too rigid, simple but flexible; second, the song should have climax-building and some sort of climax; and third, meaningful lyrics are better! I know we all just love sad, sad songs, but I'm afraid I can't work with the current suggestions (except, of course, my own suggestion, if I do humbly say so myself). Uh. Yes, you may now badmouth me.

Also, because I don't want to be hated for choosing the wrong photo, please e-mail me YOUR photo of choice to be used as part of the montage sequence. Your name will be displayed to it. If you do NOT choose a photo I will have to make do with the best I can, but if so mentioned event does occur you may NOT hit me, or assault me in any way, with any kind of object, tangible or intangible otherwise, for choosing the wrong photo!

Haha! Thanks much!
Your class montage thingamajig person-thing-whatever-in-charge-arehm,

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