Saturday, November 17, 2007

CHALET part II: The End!!!

Hello, this is how much we have to pay for chalet! Know it's a lot but nothing's worth more than the happy times and memories we had! :D

Booking of chalet: $376 altogether
BBQ: $190.05

Ppl who stayed 1 night and no BBQ= $18
Ppl who stayed 1 night and BBQ = $30
Ppl who stayed 2 night and no BBQ = $34
Ppl who stayed 2 nights and BBQ = $46
And erm plus Jiayuan's Dvds we have to pay altogether $22. So erm the cost will be split among all those that stayed in the chalet okay (13 ppl)! (so ea have to pay about $1.70)

SO here goes! please inform me if I'm wrong okay cos maybe I forgot some ppl, or added more..

ppl who stayed for1 night: Kah Yim, Jinglin, Shengwei, Samm
ppl who stayed for 2 nights: Shu Min, Sherene, Jiayuan, Shao Jie, Chelsea, Michelle, Yijing, Carlos
ppl who came for BBQ: Jeremy, Wangshu, Yanting, Meiying, Samm, Carlos, Sherene, Shaojie, Shu Min, Jiayuan, Yijing, Michelle, Chelsea, Kahyim, Jinglin

Oh yes and for those people who went to chalet and paid the $10 on that day that we were supposed to bring, can just deduct from the total cost Yeps. :D

So that's about it tell me if I got anything wrong. Samm sorry if we cannot pay your parents too soon! :( ahaha we'll pay when we meet up again lah! DON'T FORGET.

OH yes erm this is for ppl who stayed in the chalet! I have 12 tickets for admission into escape or wild wild wet. Erm 4 is from Yanting's bro (ahhah so yanting can come 'escaping' with us!) which expire on the 29th Nov and 8 are from us which expire on the 12 Dec. So if we were all to go it would have to be in November! So when does anyone have a date to suggest! I think I will leave the tickets with someone else lah okay then when you all settle on a date then we can all go! :D


oh yah and zt's bday just passed let's get him something and pass to him soon :D


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